Our poprietary Odds Graph Strategic Scenario Models (“SSMs”) can start with our SSM templates,can be copied from an existing SSM or built from scratch using menus. Leverage our powerful frameworks and capital markets models, flex the key assumptions yourself,  and explore the interactive output.


  • You chose the SSM template to start with, or ask our BPN team to identify or build one that is best for the job.
  • You select inputs and output formats from our pre existing menus, and insert your own assumptions;
  • You, your team and our AI can attach research to each assumption to better determine if you have conviction in assumptions driving your decisions
  • The SSM produces 3 statement models, complete with valuation analysis, for a comprehensive range of scenarios and assigns odds to each
  • You explore interactive charts and tables, iterate on any changes to assumptions, and pivot to easily compare the assumptions and results
  • You can to zoom in on one case, select a group of cases or see a percentile summary across all the cases selected
  • Over time, you or different team members can easily update evidence, change assumptions and save versions

If you want our BPN team to review the data room (under NDA), provide independent research and advisory services, and deliver a complete model and slide deck, we can serve as a formal Challenge Team with conclusions and recommendations summarized in a memo to compare to your own.

Below are a series of 30 second videos that show you how to use key features to explore Strategic Scenario Models, attach evidence, change assumptions, and save versions:

View and Attach Research to Key Assumptions to Minimize Cognitive Bias-1

View and Attach Research to Key Assumptions to Minimize Cognitive Bias   

Change Assumptions using Centerpoint and Range in Your Personal Judgments-2

Change Assumptions using Centerpoint and Range in Your Personal Judgments   

Assign Explicit Odds to Success Regimes to Ensure Logical Cases

Assign Explicit Odds to Success Regimes to Ensure Logical Cases   

Explore Percentiles Summar

Explore Percentiles Summary of Upside/Downside or Zoom In on Specific Cases to See Details   

Save Versions

Save Versions to Compare Views across Different Analysts over Time   

Logical Graphs
and Probabilistic Graphs

Thanks to 10 years of R&D funded by National Science Foundation grants and private investment, BPN produced a patented architecture that integrates two kinds of graphical models from separate fields of artificial intelligence.

Logical Graphical Model

Logical Graphical Models infer some qualitative relationships (the dotted line) from others.

Our patented architecture makes it practical to use a Logical Graphical Model to organize stories about issues more scalably than with folders and tags and to translate them into a Probabilistic Graphical Model that produces many scenarios without writing stories for all of them. With this insight, leaders can make better decisions.

Probabilistic Graphical Model

Probabilistic Graphical Models infer odds of scenarios for some Issues (the white bars) from scenarios for some other Issues (the black bars) and the conditionality between them (the scatter plots).

In The Cloud

Our innovative integration of both Logical and Probabilistic Graphical Models runs in the cloud on a standards-compliant technology stack, with or without integration with the existing models in your Excel files, and integrates with visualization and reporting software like Tableau.


The Bullet Point Network Platform makes it practical for investors and portfolio companies to quantify their stories, driving strategic decisions with data science about not only the past, but also the future.

Schedule demo? Questions?
Contact us today.

We’d love to show you the power of BPN’s graph technology and experienced research team.